TULSA, Okla. — Both mayoral candidates have outlines plans of attack to better the homeless situation across Tulsa.
2 News' Stef Manchen wanted to know how the people who experience homelessness day in and day out feel about the local election's potential impact on them.
“I would love to see someone try to change stuff for us, instead of us even being out here,” said Donald Owens.
He's one of more than 1,400 individuals living outside in Tulsa.
Housing is one of the topics he brought up as an area the future leader of the city needs to address.
“I mean, y'all have these buildings down here that aren’t being used," said Owens. "Turn it into a homeless shelter that accepts dogs and stuff and we can possibly get somewhere with the city.”

Ending homelessness by 2030 is the cause Monroe Nichols has stamped his name on.
Karen Keith also has an outlined plan to reduce homelessness if she were elected.
Owens believes that change is possible with either of the candidates, but he's hesitant to put all his faith in them.
“I’ve lived here 11 years of my life, and this city has gone backwards not forward," he said. "I’m going to be honest, I don’t think they do stuff for us. Because we have people every weekend come out here from churches and stuff, that serve food, give us clothes and stuff like that, I don’t see the city doing that.”
2 News asked Joseph Coulter, another Tulsan outside, the same question.
“I think they usually tend to fall short," said Coulter. "They’ll tell us they’ll do this or that, and it seems like along the way they forget, and they go after other things.”
Addressing homelessness is important to him, but he has his own concerns about eradicating the issue.
Coulter said he's not sure it's a feasible goal.
“It’s a big undertaking, and uh since COVID, it’s seems to have gotten a lot worse and I don’t know that there’s a solution that can be had.”
Although he's unsure if he and his fellow man will be taken care of, Coulter does have a message for whoever wins the local race.
“Follow-through with your promises. Remember them, and stick with what you say.”
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