SAPULPA, Okla. — The check is in the mail - but not in the right mailbox.
Since November, Kathy Soliday's daily trip to her mailbox ended in disappointment.
"Still no check," she told 2 News as she checked her mail on Jan. 22. In November, while doing her online bill pay, she admitted she made a mistake.
"I paid the OG&E bill and then unfortunately didn't change the name and I paid my VISA bill to OG&E. Unfortunately, it's a large amount of money."
She meant to send more than $6,500 to VISA; instead, it went to OG&E.

She called the utility to get a refund, then spent weeks going back and forth with the utility, asking why the check never arrived.
"The check didn't come, and the check didn't come, and every time I called 'em, they would verify my address, " she said. "When they finally looked at it, they realized they had sent it to an address I lived at 13 years ago."
The address was her previous home in Jenks.
"Now they send me a bill every month. It comes right to my address in Sapulpa," she said.
So, Soliday was at a loss as to why the refund check was twice sent to Jenks.
She also couldn't understand why, after it happened the second time, OG&E's customer service agent told her a stop payment could not be placed on the most recently misdirected check.
Instead, she would have to wait another 30 days for a new check to be issued and sent to her correct address.
Frustrated with the situation, she called the Problem Solvers.
2 News contacted OG&E. It replied with an email indicating it was working to resolve the issued.
Less than an hour after receiving that email, Kathy Soliday called to let us know OG&E reached out to her to let her know it had corrected the address issue and would send out a new refund check on Jan. 24.
It arrived Jan. 27th making her very happy. She can now deposit it in her bank and pay off that big VISA bill that's been racking up interest every month she waited for her refund.
Contact the Problem Solvers:
- 918-748-1502
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