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One penny sales tax proposition on the ballot in Skiatook

Posted at 1:34 PM, Aug 18, 2022
and last updated 2022-08-18 14:34:27-04

SKIATOOK, Okla. — A permanent one-cent sales tax increase could happen if voters approve the One Safe Skiatook initiative on Tuesday.

If passed, the sales tax would increase by one penny on all purchases in order to help build a centrally located police and fire station in Skiatook.

An example of how bad it is at the Skiatook Police Department is in the records department, they actually have to use trash pails on the counter to catch dripping water from the ceiling.

The police station is over 80 years old. There are leaks, mold, and no central heat or air in the building. Officials say the jail is rotting and barely meets standards.

At Fire Station 1, trucks are crammed and so are the living quarters with six firefighters per room.

If the sales tax initiative passes, the goal is to build two larger, modern buildings for both the police and fire stations which will be located in the heart of Skiatook.

For the most part, residents are on board.

“It’s outdated. It needs a revamp for sure. I don’t think it would be money wasted at all,” says Dale Cokeley, a Skiatook resident.

If it's not approved, city officials say they could be forced to raise property taxes, city utilities or reduce city services, like water or trash in the future.

The City Manager of Skiatook says, if passed, the sales tax wouldn't go into effect immediately, but start on Jan. 1 in 2023.

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