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Mayoral candidates aim to expand mental health operations in community teams

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TULSA, Okla — Tulsa's Community Response Teams could expand their hours under a new mayor.

CRT sends fire, police, and mental health aid to situations where mental health services may be needed; however, right now, those hours are limited.

"That team is out in the field out of the community Monday through Friday responding to those calls," said Emily Farmer Senior Program Director with Copes.

The programs are not a 24/7 operation. That's why 2 News Anchor Erin Christy asked the mayoral candidates.

"What is your understanding of this program and do you believe the benefits outweigh the cost for a 24/7 expansion?" said Farmer.

"It's super important to me to expand that to 24/7," said mayoral candidate Karen Keith.

"I think the cost of not doing it is one thing we can't tolerate," said mayoral candidate Monroe Nichols.

"I would suggest having mental health professionals on call," said mayoral candidate Brent VanNorman.

With the topic top of mind, 2 News took the questions to the departments.

Tulsa Fire Chief Michael Baker said they've made it work with the limited hours.

"So I think that there's always room for discussion related to expansion of these programs. I think what we found is that we work to try to work the most peak-demand hours that we have," Baker said.

Farmer with Copes, the department that sends mental health aids, said they're always willing to help.

"We want to provide expertise crisis calls to help support law-enforcement to help support the individuals in the community that me that expertise and that response," Farmer said.

Farmer also told 2 News exclusively that this fall, Copes will be expanding the 911 dispatch mental health experts' hours to a 24/7 role.

That'll allow more oversight and support from mental health professionals from the start of emergency calls.

While response teams operation is not yet a 24/7 position, Copes and TFD said they're always looking for the best way to expand resources here in our community.

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