

Wood art carved with chainsaws takes center stage at Tulsa County Fair for third year in a row


Grizzly Mountain Saw Works is back at the Tulsa County Fair and dozens of fairgoers are lining up to see artists carve amazing structures out of large wood blocks.

President of Grizzly Mountain Saw Works, Keith Gregory, has been an artist for over 20 years and says since attending his first fair in 2014 he always looks forward to coming back to Tulsa.

"This is probably one of the best 13 day runs I have for my business here. More than anything else, we've just made a lot of friends and it's good to see customers come back that you sold to last year," Gregory said. 

Gregory, who's business is based out of Springfield, MO, travels all around the country to sell and create his artwork for clients. 

Many of his pieces are customized for his customers and the art is typically finished within a few hours.

Gregory, who once created a 45-foot chicken made of wood, says he enjoys people stopping by his booth to watch the carving process.

"Everybody loves chainsaw carving. Everybody's grandpa or dad had a chainsaw at one time or they're familiar with a chainsaw. So when somebody walks up you're immediately on common ground," Gregory said.  

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