

Biden holds 11-point lead as Trump approval on COVID-19 response dips, poll shows

Biden holds 11-point lead as Trump approval on COVID-19 response dips, poll shows
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HAMDEN, Ct. – A new national poll of registered voters shows former Vice President Joe Biden holds an 11-point lead against President Donald Trump in the race for the White House.

The Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday has Biden leading Trump 50 – 39% in a head-to-head matchup in the November election for president. That’s up from the 49 – 41% lead Biden held in an April national poll, but the change is within the margin of error.

The new poll also shows that Democrats go to Biden 88 – 5%, Republicans go to Trump 86 – 8%, and independents go to Biden 47 – 36%.

"What does the 11-point Biden lead tell us? At best for Team Trump, it says voter confidence in President Trump is shaky. At worst for them, as coronavirus cases rise, Trump's judgement is questioned - and November looms," said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy.

The poll shows voters are split on who they think would do a better job at handling the economic downturn brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, with 48% saying Biden and 47% saying Trump. In April, Trump led Biden on this question 49 – 44%.

Voters also say 57 – 37% that Biden would do a better job than Trump handling health care compared to 53 – 40% in April.

Meanwhile, it seems more voters have an unfavorable view of Trump’s handling of the pandemic. The poll says 41% of voters approve of his response to the coronavirus and 56% disapprove. That is down from a 46 – 51% approval rating in April.

As for what Americans think about reopening the country, three-quarters of voters say the country should reopen slowly, even if it makes the economy worse, while 21% say the country should reopen quickly, even if it makes the spread of the coronavirus worse.

"Reopen slowly, even if we are rolling the dice on how it will affect the economy, say three-quarters of American voters. As far as sending kids off to college, hopping on an airplane, or getting a haircut, there are reservations," added Malloy.

When it comes to expectations for a second wave of coronavirus infections in the fall, 47% of voters say a second wave is very likely, 40% say it's somewhat likely, and 12% say it's not so likely or not likely at all.

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