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Tulsa Woman Meets ADT Dispatcher Who Called 911

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TULSA — 2 Works for You was there when a Tulsa woman finally got to meet the security company dispatcher who helped save her life during a fire.

It all started with this frantic call for help.

CALLER: "Yes I need a firetruck!"

911 DISPATCHER: "Do you need the fire department sent... Maam?"

That was the moment Tanya Smith woke up to smoke filling her home last month from her heating system.

She was too panicked to call 911, and kept misdialing until she remembered she just upgraded her home security system.

The ADT dispatcher could tell something wasn't right, and from Wichita, she called the Tulsa Fire Department to check on the home.

"It took me back to that moment and made me realize I might not have been here, and I'm grateful I am because of the quick response," says Tanya Smith.

ADT Monitoring Representative Dayna Baker says, "When you get the chance to see exactly who you impact, you don't get to see that on a daily basis, because so many aren't a real alarm."

ADT presented the dispatcher and several others who helped with an award.

They also donated $5,000 to the Tulsa Fire Department to help buy smoke detectors for more homes.

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