TULSA - Spooked in the dark. A Tulsa woman claims she saw a large cat, maybe a mountain lion, Monday night.
"I have two or three pairs of these," Georgette Horn said. "I have one everywhere in the house."
Horn peers out of her binoculars, searching for a second glimpse.
"They feed at night and they hunt at night," she said
Horn says she saw a large cat darting across the street.
"He was headed to the river and he was headed fast," Horn said. "His stride was like 6 feet long, you know. I knew it wasn't a domestic animal."
Horn believes a mountain lion crossed riverside near 56th street late Monday night.
"His head was like real thick on each side and kind of tall right here a little," she said.
Horn immediately pulled over wanting to warn neighbors nearby.
"I went straight there," she said. "I thought, 'Oh my gosh take your little baby out of the crib.' They're sleeping, they don't know."
"I'm thinking he came from Turkey Mountain and maybe swam the shallowest parts," Horn said. "You know they know how to navigate I bet in the water."
Keep in mind, this isn't the first sighting in Green Country. In 2011, a mountain lion was found in a tree near Pine and Union. In 2015, a Luther resident caught a mountain lion on camera lurking outside a home. Since 2004, there have been 15 confirmed sightings in Oklahoma.
"Why was he over here?" Horn said. "There's no reason for him to be over here."
Horn will keep searching, raising her binoculars and awareness for the cougar on the loose.
"I just wanted to see if maybe I would see another one," she said.