SAND SPRINGS, Okla — The latest historic cold is over, but it is still causing trouble for a Sand Springs elementary school.
Students at Angus Valley Elementary are moving to distance learning again while water damage is repaired.
Repair crews are working hard to fix several broken water pipes inside the school.
This work will keep students and teachers out of the classrooms for another three weeks.
Sand Springs Public Schools alerted parents on February 26th stating that students will remain in distance learning through Spring Break and return on March 22nd.
Rachel Nolen has two second graders at Angus Valley Elementary and tells 2 Works for You that this will add up to seven weeks of distance learning due to COVID and the weather.
While she believes the school is doing everything it can, the back-and-forth makes learning and social interaction difficult for her daughters.
“It’s devastating for them. They’re such social butterflies. They love being with their friends and learning in person. My husband and I both work full time so it’s hard for us to be able to work our full time jobs and spend time with them during the day.”, Nolen says.
The school superintendent told parents they're working on alternate location sites for in-person learning.
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