
Oklahoma prosecutor resigns after plea deal in rape case


SULPHUR, Okla. (AP) -- An Oklahoma prosecutor has resigned after negotiating a plea deal that gave probation to a man accused of raping a 13-year-old Texas girl at a church camp.

Murray County District Attorney Craig Ladd said he disliked the way the case was handled. On Wednesday, he announced the resignation of the assistant prosecutor who handled the case, David Pyle.

Pyle said Monday that a major factor in his decision not to insist on prison time was that the defendant was legally blind. Instead, 36-year-old Benjamin Lawrence Petty was sentenced to 15 years' probation after pleading guilty to first-degree rape and other charges.

Investigators say Petty attacked the girl in 2016 at the Falls Creek church camp, where Perry was a cook.

Pyle said the girl's family agreed to the plea deal. But the family says they weren't given other options.

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