TULSA, Okla. — Families across Green Country and the nation are grappling with the mental stress of a pandemic health threat, job loss and now, sending precious students back to school.
It's enough to push even the strongest Oklahoman to their limits.
But, one Oklahoman tells 2 Works for you how she's propping up her family through it all, and taking care of her own mental health, too.
Joceline Baeza is fighting to keep her family safe and healthy right now. The 25-year-old lives with her mom, dad and little brother.
Baeza said this summer has been the most stressful time in her life. Both Baeza's mom and dad lost their jobs due to COVID-19 so she's been covering all of the bills for several months. Her parents are trying to support her, but haven't been much help financially.
Plus, her middle-school-aged brother is starting school virtually at 12 years old. A time in childhood development that is tough for kids, pandemic or not.
That's where the Mental Health Association Oklahoma stepped in.
The association began hosting mental and emotional health webinars to help families, like Baeza's, with the complications that come with learning online, full time, for children.
Now, she said she is ready to figure things out. The webinars have taught her one main thing, it all starts with communication.
“Telling him that I understand where he is coming from, I understand his frustration, but he needs to talk about his feelings. Instead of yelling and arguing about how much online school sucks,” Baeza said.
Baeza said talking with real psychologists and pediatricians at the webinars are making a huge difference in her life, and taking doctors' advice to heart helps ease the tension for their family dynamic.
The great news is Baeza's parents recently found jobs and are now catching up on bills.
For more information on Mental Health Association Oklahoma click here.
For specifics on the webinars,click here.
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