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Kristin Chenoweth in OK 988 mental health lifeline Super Bowl commercial

Posted at 6:11 AM, Feb 13, 2023
and last updated 2023-02-13 07:28:34-05

TULSA, Okla. — Certainly a lot of big moments came out of the super bowl. One major moment for Oklahomans came during the commercial break as Oklahoma's own actress Kristin Chenoweth starred in a local spot.

The Broken Arrow native took screens across the state to showcase mental health and promote the 988 mental health lifeline. It's a call and text line aimed at listening and helping those through a mental health crisis.

2 News took a look at the data Monday morning and in the last 30 days, the lifeline got more than 3,000 calls. Some of the top reasons listed for calls are suicide, depression, and social concerns.

With a passion for shedding light on this topic and encouraging people to get help, Chenoweth teamed up with 988 debut a super bowl commercial.

It depicts Chenoweth as a pesky thought that pops up reminding you about embarrassing moments, bald spots, and wrinkles.

“She’s never going to love you like she loves that food," Chenoweth says in the commercial.

"We all have our burdens call or text to get yours off your back,” the commercial said.

In Oklahoma in the last 2 months, there have been more than 36,000 unique mental health admissions. Majority of those being women 18 and over.

The 988 lifeline is open 24/7 with a 10-second average answer speed.

So no matter what is on your mind, or as this commercial says is burdening you, you can call or text for support.

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