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Having Trouble Getting a Good Night Sleep?

New Study Has The Solution
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A new study is shedding more light on something that could help you sleep better.

Many of us heard this growing up, but research shows that taking a warm bath or shower might help you get some rest.

Officials say if you have trouble falling asleep, bath time may offer a soothing solution.

Dr. Reena Mehra studied the results of new research, and she says results show a little time spent relaxing in the tub may help.

"It appeared that if you take a warm shower or bath, about one-to-two hours prior to bedtime, ten minutes or so; so, not very long, that this does have a positive impact on objective measures of sleep and also subjectively help how people feel about their sleep," said Dr. Reena Mehra.

The research published in the "Journal Sleep Medicine Reviews" looks at data from several previous studies.

Researchers found a warm bath or shower between 104 and 109 degrees, taken one-to-two hours before bedtime could help you fall asleep about ten minutes faster.

Dr. Mehra says the study also finds taking a warm bath may reduce stress.

If you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep, Dr. Mehra says it's always worth trying something that doesn't involve medication first.

She says more research is needed to know why the relationship between body temperature and sleep exists, but experts believe there's a connection between the two.

"Our body temperature is very closely linked to our circadian rhythm," said Dr. Mehra. "So, if we expose our self to that, kind of, warm temperature prior to bedtime, this actually, in part, may have something to do with that core body temperature and that linkage to our circadian rhythm."

Dr. Mehra says insomnia can be caused by many things, but often it's a result of internalized tension, stress, and anxiety.

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