

Enid waitress at IHOP receives anti-gay message instead of tip

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ENID, Okla. – A waitress at a local diner in Enid says she was left an anti-LGBTQ message instead of a tip.

Taylor Stewart says she was nearing the end of a double shift as a waitress at I-Hop on Monday night when she went to clean up after a man and three kids. Not only did she find empty plates but also the message “gay is wrong” written on the $36 tab where the tip should have been.

Stewart told OKC’s KFOR, that the foursome “stormed” out of the restaurant after eating their meal.

“I was like have a good night sir, you know, come back and see us and he didn`t say anything,” Stewart said to KFOR. 

While Stewart supports freedom of speech, she says she wishes others could stop before they say, or write, hateful messages.

At first, Stewart wasn’t sure what the message said but when she realized its message, she was shocked.

“When I went to pick up the check, I read it and I thought it said `gray is wrong`, and I went and showed my girlfriend, and she was like what? And she said it said `gay is wrong',” Stewart said. “I was just shocked. I was more shocked than hurt, but I mean it did hurt.”

Stewart told KFOR that she supports freedom of speech but hopes that people can

“If you don’t like it. If you don’t agree with it. That’s fine. That’s your own opinion, but I mean just let people be who they are and don’t say hurtful things,” Stewart said.