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Dogs save Tulsa family from house fire

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TULSA, Okla. — A Tulsa family is safe tonight, thanks to some important members of their family.

Randy Shelby knew something was wrong when two of their dogs, Kaos and Drama, started barking around 1:00 Friday morning.

“My big blue pitbull," Shelby said. "His name’s Kaos. He normally sleeps upstairs with my kids. And he started going off, going nuts.”

Shelby rushed upstairs to check on his kids. They were okay. Then, he ran downstairs to the garage where he came face-to-face with the fire.

“I opened the door thinking I could put out whatever was in there," Shelby said. "And as you see, I got blasted. It took off an eyebrow and gave me a new hair-do.”

One neighbor says she heard a commotion outside and saw flames coming from a window.

"I heard a woman screaming and what I thought was gunshots," said Melissa Venegas. "And then I open the door and I see that their house is on fire.”

All nine people in the house were able to get out safely.

Everything in this garage was destroyed. Venegas said even the cars outside were on fire. When Shelby came back to the house Friday afternoon, he was surprised at what he found.

“I found my wedding rings," he said. "And my wife’s snake that was in the house is still alive, thank God.”

Shelby said what was destroyed in the house doesn’t matter. He’s just thankful they all made it out okay.

“And if we can, we’re going to fix it," Shelby said. "We want to fix it. We love this house. My kids have never had something that they love so much. And my wife has never had something that she loved so much. We’re going to fix it if we can.”

Sadly, Kaos and Drama died together in the fire. The family's three other dogs made it out safely.

The Red Cross is taking care of the family.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

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