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At least nine homes destroyed by Washington County wildfires

Posted at 4:09 PM, Apr 03, 2023
and last updated 2023-04-04 07:23:10-04

WASHINGTON COUNTY — At least six thousand acres—and counting—are charred in Washington County after a series of wildfires fueled by strong winds on Friday.

Barbara Davidson says she’s been through many wildfire “false alarms” over the years living on Circle Mountain outside of Bartlesville, but she could tell this recent one was the real deal.

“The main difference was the wind was so strong,” Davidson said.

It’s stunning to see how close the fire got to her house, which was left untouched. A trash bin wheel is melted, and it was placed right next to the house. The backyard is charred only feet from the back door. The Davidson’s lost two trailers and two vehicles, but she’s beyond grateful that’s all they lost. Her neighbor’s house is totally gone.

“She says she’s fine, but I recognize shock and numbness when I see it,” said Davidson of her neighbor. “I’m sure the pain will come when she remembers what she had. I have no idea if she got photographs or anything.”

Davidson believes her neighbor’s house burned because it sits further back and closer to the woods.

Davidson was substitute teaching when she got the call from her son to come home and pack.

“He kept saying, ‘Mom, we have to leave,’ but I wanted to get more stuff,” said Davidson. “The firemen and police were here and telling us we had to go, so I said okay.”

Davidson’s neighbor’s house is one of nine destroyed by wildfires on Friday. Kary Cox, Washington County Emergency Manager, says they are gearing up for more wildfire threats on Tuesday. Firefighters are getting much-needed rest, and crews spent Monday servicing vehicles. Crews have been out monitoring fire lines to make sure the smoldering areas don’t spark back up again. They are letting areas they couldn’t reach burn themselves out.

In the meantime, Cox is asking everyone in Washington County to be extra cautious.

A burn ban is in effect for Washington County.

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