

Marina business returns to Lake Fort Gibson


HULBERT, Okla.- On Monday boaters were out cruising, jet skis were zipping across the water and fisherman were reeling in catches on Lake Fort Gibson.

"It has just been really, really smooth and calm," Paradise Cove Marina owner Ann Davis said. "Everybody is just having a really good time."

A year ago, the lake rose 27 feet above normal at Paradise Cove Marina Davis said. 

"Everyone is concerned," she told 2 Works For You a year ago. "They're worried about their boats and worried about us here as a family and a business." 

From Memorial Day 2015 through June of that year, Davis estimates the marina lost $100,000. 

This Memorial Day weekend the lake only sat a few feet above normal and all worries of losing business are gone.

"Everyone is saying, 'oh, what a difference, what a difference," Davis said. 

Davis said over the holiday weekend a year ago she had one customer stop at the marina. Over the weekend in 2016, she had more than a thousand customers.

"This weekend has actually been the best weekend for our marina of all holidays, of all past seasons," she said. 

Head further north on the lake last year and White Horn Cove Marina also sat under water. Somehow marina owner Mark Pfeifer kept his sense of humor.

"Everybody that wants to, could pray for a little less rain," he said while laughing last June.

From Memorial Day through the end of June last year, he said his marina lost $30,000. On Monday though, customers kept floating in to get gas and food. He said he had been waiting the whole weekend for a chance to catch his breath.

"You hate to even say it because you need all the business you can, but it wouldn't bother me if it rained all day," Pfeifer said. "I'm wore out it has been that good."

Both Davis and Pfeifer are hopeful the weather will be in their favor this year and the busy weekends on the lake will continue through the rest of the season.

"Folks were just out in abundance getting their boats ready, just playing and tubing," Davis said. "I had folks tubing in March off my rental boats, so they have been getting all they can get because of last year."

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