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211 calls have more than doubled in eastern Oklahoma since flooding events

Posted at 11:59 AM, May 29, 2019
and last updated 2019-05-29 13:50:21-04

TULSA, Okla. — Historic flooding across the state is contributing to a higher volume of calls to the 211 Eastern Oklahoma help line.

The program director, Tameka Collins, said calls have more than doubled in the past seven days.

Normally, the trained professionals help about 200 people a day, but that number has gone to about 450, with about 250 calls related to flooding.

“They’re taking evacuation assistance calls, damage assessments as well as donation and volunteer assistance requests and just general information about where can I take my pets in a storm, where I can store my food,” said Collins.

As a result, she said they've doubled their staff from 11 to 22 to assist callers with their inquiries.

Despite the increase in calls about flooding, they're still helping with other topics, such as utility assistance, meals and mental health.

Also, language is not a barrier at the 211 call center. They work with a third-party service to help translate more than 168 languages.

The 211 help line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you need assistance, there are three ways to contact the help line. You can dial 211, text 211OK to 898211 or find help on their website.

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