

East Tulsa grandmother says child was victim of hate crime

Posted at 8:25 PM, Mar 17, 2017
and last updated 2017-03-17 22:44:04-04

TULSA, Okla. -- An east Tulsa grandmother says her grandchild was beaten by a grown man after school.

Luckily, he wasn't injured, but she says it was his words that cut much deeper.

Corey Patrick is a 12-year-old, who's bi-racial.

His genetic makeup is something that's never been an issue in his family.

So they say when a man allegedly assaulted him and called him racist names, their shock quickly turned into anger.

“It's just straight hate and prejudice. And to take that out on a child, I don't even have the words for it,” said Patrick's grandmother, Sherrell Silsby.

A middle schooler, football player, normal kid...these are all ways you can describe Corey Patrick.

But his family says that's not what one parent used a few weeks ago when he approached Corey and his friends looking for a bully.

“He grabbed Corey, hit him on the side of the head, knocked him to the ground, kicking him in the back, kicking him in the head, and calling him the N-word,” Silsby said.

By the time Corey was brought home, a police report was filed.

Corey wasn't seriously hurt, but Silsby was outraged.

“He came to the house to beg us to not press charges against him. And he told Corey don't let my emotional state make a difference,” she said.

But according to Silsby, it did.

While he escaped with no physical injuries, she watched as Corey's personality changed.

“We have no recourse,” she said.

So far, she says response from police has been slow.

She'll continue to her fight and her focus on Corey – and how he moves forward.

“It teaches him that violence is the way to take care of things and that's not what we want to teach him. We want to teach him that there's justice, we want to teach him that there's a right way and a wrong way,” said Silsby.

Police are investigating.

No arrests have been made.

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